
Deprecated since version 2.0: This device translator had been replaced by RIFFA and is no longer used due to its licensing and performance restrictions.

Xillybus is a company that provides closed-source, but monetarily-free for academic use, FPGA IP cores as well as free and open-source device drivers that abstract PCIe communication to the level of system IO calls. For this reason, Xillybus IP Cores and drivers can be used as a high performance PCIe-based backend. This ONI translation layer converts Xillybus’s raw API into ONI-compatible API by implementing all the functions in onidriver.h. Xillybus has been replaced by an open source alternative, RIFFA, and is no longer used by ONIX hardware.


The licensing terms of xillybus are extremely nebulus. For this reason, it probably should be considered to have adopted default copyrights and therfore is not free to use under any circumstance.

The following steps show how to generate IP cores and obtain device drivers that will function with onidriver_xillybus Both Windows and Linux hosts are supported.

Building the library


make                # Build without debug symbols
sudo make install   # Install in /usr/local and run ldconfig to update library cache
make help           # list all make options


Run the project in Visual Studio. It can be included as a dependency in other projects.