Setup Guide for Windows¶
Insert the PCIe Host Module¶
Power off the computer.
Plug the PCIe host board into an available PCIe slot
You do not need to plug the ATX power supply into connector on the board (although doing so won’t hurt). The PCIe slot itself provides adequate power to operate the host board.
Boot the computer.
The RGB LED in the center of the module should be blue.
The RGB LED has three color states.
Blue: Ready to go.
Yellow: Acquisition stopped.
Pink: Acquisition running.
Put Windows In Testing Mode¶
As of this writing, the ONIX driver is not digitally signed by Microsoft, but in a developer testing phase. Following the conclusion of the beta-test period, we will complete this process and the following steps will not be required.
Download the
testing certificate and double click it.On the dialog, select Install Certificate.
It is recommended to select Current User certificate storage option.
For ease of management, it is recommended to manually select a certificate storage and chose Personal.
Open the Windows Start Menu and type cmd to find the command prompt application. Right click it and chose Run as Administrator.
Execute the following command:
bcdedit /set testsigning on
Restart the computer.
A regular reboot (‘restart’) is required. A complete power cycle (turning the PC off completely) may not set the option.
You should see now some text at the bottom right of the Desktop indicating that Windows is operating in testing mode:
The computer will keep the test state until you run
bcdedit /set testsigning off
in an administrator command prompt again and reboot the computer
Install C++ Runtime¶
Windows does not ship with a C++ runtime. Before using ONIX on windows, you will need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.
Install Device Driver¶
Pre-built drivers target 64-bit Windows 10. Other targets will need to be compiled from source.
riffa driver
and unzip the archive.Open the folder and right right click the riffa.inf file. Select install from the context menu.
Open the start menu and type device manager and click to open. You shoul see RIFFA in the device tree.
Install ONIX Bonsai Library¶
If you don’t have Bonsai on your computer, visit and install the latest release.
Open Bonsai. At the start menu, select Manage Packages.
Select Community Packages as the package source.
Search for Bonsai.ONIX.
Install Bonsai.ONIX.Design. This packages will install both the core library and visualization tools.
Have a look at the Bonsai.ONIX for usage instructions and example scripts.